Brown Bear

Regions of the Northern Forum generally know about bears very well – contacts of humans and brown bears in settlements or near them are not rare. As this is a very dangerous neighborhood practice, the BBWG’s work is dedicated to researching and creating conditions where bears and humans can co-exist without interaction. As this is mostly an experience-exchange initiative, this is a great opportunity for beginner biologists and nature conservationists to apply their knowledge in practice and learn from the experienced ones.

This Working group consists of experts, scientists, regional administrations’ employees and even the whole organizations as well – good example of it is Swedish Orsa Gronklitt Predator Park zoo.


Project progress (2011-2013)

Meeting in Orsa Gronklitt Predator Park (Dalarna, Sweden) in August 2011 – 13 participants from 7 regions of 4 states. On this meeting, a working plan was discussed and participants exchanged experience on controlling predator populations (that is - wolves). Planned meeting in Khanty-Mansiysk was cancelled due to financial hardships.

2013 Working plan:

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