Russia's Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic included into its draft strategy for developing the Arctic territory the creation of a new system of preferences for Russians relocating to the Arctic for work or to take up residence there.
"The strategy sets forth specific targets for developing Russia's Arctic zone, as well as stages and mechanisms for achieving them. We view the growing life expectancy and reduced migration flows as the key indicators. The draft offers 26 mechanisms for delivering on these targets. In particular, this includes offering a new system of preferences to Russians relocating to the Arctic for work or to live there," Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic Alexander Kozlov said.
The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic has already submitted to the Russian Government a draft strategy for developing Russia's Arctic zone and ensuring national security through 2035.
“I remind you that the document was prepared with the wide participation of the public, the northerners themselves. Each Arctic region has its own priorities, projects and industries, the development of which will advance each specific region as a whole” - the minister said.