
SM Korchunov

“Today, the global trend and the reverse side of globalization is regionalization. Performance of Barents and Arctic councils would be a good example, as their main driver is the regions”.


Nikolay Korchunov,

Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


The federal government called in Russia’s ambassador to Canada for another dressing down and announced it would skip Arctic Council meetings in Moscow this week in response to escalating tensions in Eastern Ukraine.

Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq said Tuesday that Canada’s decision to boycott the meetings meant it was taking a “principled stand” against Russia over the situation in Ukraine. The Arctic Council’s task force on black carbon and methane was scheduled to meet in Moscow for three days this week, according to the Council’s website.

“As a result of Russia’s illegal occupation of Ukraine and its continued provocative actions in Crimea and elsewhere, Canada will not be attending working-group level meetings in Moscow this week,” Ms. Aglukkaq said in a statement. “Canada will continue to support the important work of the Arctic Council.”

The announcement comes one day after Prime Minister Stephen Harper blamed Moscow for the separatist movement in Eastern Ukraine, which he said was the work of Russian provocateurs that had been sent to the region by the Putin regime. In recent weeks, Canada has imposed sanctions on a number of Russian individuals and halted bilateral activities between the Canadian and Russian armed forces.

However, the government went ahead with planned Arctic Council meetings last month, when representatives from all member states, including Russia, met in Yellowknife. A statement from Ms. Aglukkaq’s office on Tuesday said the decision to skip this week’s working group meetings builds on the “tough stance” Canada has taken against Russia.

On Tuesday afternoon, the government called in Russian ambassador Georgiy Mamedov to express “frustration” with Moscow over the situation in Eastern Ukraine, a government source said.

Daniel Jean, Canada’s deputy minister for foreign affairs, told Mr. Mamedov he believes recent actions by pro-Russian separatists in the region were co-ordinated, and that Russia was involved. Mr. Jean called on the ambassador to urge Moscow to de-escalate the situation, the source said, and warned that Canada could take further steps aimed at isolating Russia politically and economically.

It was the second time senior Canadian officials have called Mr. Mamedov in for a dressing down since the crisis in Ukraine began. Mr. Jean and associate deputy minister Peter Boehm also scolded the veteran ambassador in a late February meeting that was called after Russia’s parliament approved troop deployment in Ukraine.


20 Jun 2024
Meeting of the international expert group of The Northern Forum on regional IT agenda was held in Khanty-Mansiysk


On June 19 in Khanty-Mansiysk within the framework of the XV International IT-Forum with BRICS and SCO Participation, the first introductory meeting of the International Expert Group of The Northern [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Jun 2024
The national Evenk holiday “Bakaldyn” takes place in Yakutsk


The Evenki national holiday “Bakaldyn” is being held in Yakutsk in the Kenkeme district.

10 Jun 2024
Meeting with the Government of Uvurkhangai aimag of Mongolia was held


On the initiative of the Governor of Uvurkhangai aimag of Mongolia, Mr. I. Dorjsuren, an online meeting was held on June 7 between the Government of Uvurkhangai aimag and the Government of Mongolia. [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Jun 2024
Executive Director Vladimir Vasiliev took part in SPIEF-2024


Vladimir Vasiliev, Executive Director of The Northern Forum, took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which took place from June 5 to 8 in St. Petersburg.

Northern Forum
05 Jun 2024
Students from Ocean University of China attended the First Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth Arctic: Science for the Future”


From May 24 to 25, Gao Fei, a graduate student of the School of Law, the Ocean University of China, and Wang Ran, a master's student of the School of International Relations and Public Administration, [ ... ]

31 May 2024
Natalia Komarova resigned her post


Natalia Komarova, Chair of The Northern Forum, is resigning as Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Northern Forum

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The events listed and their administration are the responsibility of the individual events organisers.
All content on the events website, a link may be provided to through this events calendar, is the sole responsibility of the individual organiser.


Members of the Northern Forum

5th Northern Sustainable Development Forum

September 24-27, 2024
Yakutsk, Russia

Board of Governors
Regional Coordinators Committee (RCC)
Business Partners
Goodwill Ambassadors
Northern Youth Forum

Northern Youth Forum

The Northern Youth Forum (NYF) is a youth wing of the Northern Forum, consisting of representatives of young people from the age of 16 to 40 years.

Mission of the NYF is to strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation between young representatives of Northern regions and countries at the stage of personal and professional views’ formation.

Goal of the NYF is to promote the interests and views of young people in solving the problems facing the Northern Forum by using the potential of international youth cooperation.