Lake in Yamalo Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia

SM Kozlov

“Russia has approximately 2.4 million people residing in the Arctic, and just like everyone they have their constitutional rights, and their standard of living should be no worse than the average one for Russia. It’s a certain challenge, because capabilities of certain municipalities are behind those indicators”.


Alexander Kozlov,

Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic



Northern Sustainable Development Forum (the Forum) is a permanent international expert platform for discussing the issues and prospects of sustainable development of the Arctic and the North. 

The main idea of the Forum is to join the creative forces of the Arctic and Asia in solving the problems of sustainable development of the Northern and Arctic regions. 

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that included 17 Sustainable Development Goals and which implementation should involve not only governments but also transnational companies, charity foundations, community, NGOs and academia worldwide.

Currently, the concept of sustainable development has become central to the Arctic region as well, it is a global challenge that requires the development of comprehensive international cooperation. On the one hand, the exploration of the Arctic region can become promising. On the other hand, the Arctic has a fragile ecosystem, which should be taken care of now not only by the Arctic countries, but also by the non-Arctic ones, interested in the region’s development. 


DATE: September 27-30, 2021  


LOCATION: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation.



  • International Organization of Northern Regions “The Northern Forum”; 
  • Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia);
  • Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University; 


“Climate change and permafrost preservation”

Climate change and permafrost preservation are global problems that are interconnected.       The state of the environment around the world and the ongoing global climate change are influenced by the processes taking place in the Arctic. Permafrost, in turn, occupies at least 25% of the area of the entire land of the globe.

The Arctic is one of the most fragile ecological systems on the planet. Reducing the thickness of ice and reducing the area of ice cover will significantly change the characteristics of ecosystems associated with sea ice. Climate change has become the most significant long-term stressor for biodiversity. Over the past decades, the disappearance of some unique habitats of the Arctic flora and fauna continues. On land, there is an onset of tree vegetation on traditional tundra ecosystems, including grasses, mosses, lichens, the area of which is decreasing. Reduced ice coverage may also adversely affect Arctic sea animals. The time intervals and migration routes of birds are likely to change. Climate change towards warming will increase the activity of pests, parasites and the frequency of various diseases. Migration of fish from the southern seas to the northern seas is expected, which will create competition for arctic fish species.

Of particular importance is the problem of the degradation of permafrost, the melting process of which can have a negative impact on the state of infrastructure built on frozen soils, as well as affect the emission of greenhouse gases. The melting of long-term permafrost under the influence of climate can dramatically affect the livelihoods of the population, which due to the changes will have to adapt to the new conditions.

The situation in the Arctic is a clear example of how climate change affects geopolitics. This entire giant region, formerly permanently iced, is now open to commercial shipping and natural resource development. There are a number of new opportunities for the international community, but it is also facing challenges that await resolution.

The Forum will address the following aspects:

  • the impact of global climate change on ecosystems;
  • the degradation of permafrost due to climate change;
  • the impact of climate change on the socio-economic development of the territories.


The official webpage of the Northern Sustainable Development Forum - - is available with the up-to-date information. 




With the persistence of the COVID-19 risks, the Forum's events will be held in online/offline format. Follow the forum's website in the News and Home pages.


The following formats of the Forum's events are expected:

  • plenary session, 
  • thematic sections, roundtables, panel discussions,
  • the Northern Forum events to mark the organization's 30th anniversary,
  • events organized by international or other organizations
  • project presentations,
  • lectures, foresight-sessions, master classes,
  • exhibitions.



The Forum agenda will consist of five thematic blocks


IMG 3164

The agenda can be amended and updated upon the participants’ proposals. 



To organize the event within the frameworks of the Forum, make sure to submit the following information to the Forum’s Directorate ( before August 1, 2021: the goals and objectives of the event;  agenda; number and list of participants; handouts; venue requirements; funding sources.

Moderators are responsible for organizing the event and coordinate all their activities with the Forum’s Program Directorate.


To organize the exhibition within the frameworks of the Forum, make sure to submit the following information to the Forum’s Directorate ( before August 1, 2021: the concept of the exhibition corresponding to the main theme of the Forum; financial estimates (availability of funding sources); specify technical requirements for exhibits, timing of installation and disassembling; specify if the venue is needed (venue requirements); whether the exhibition requires opening ceremony (agenda).




To attend the Forum, register at or get in touch with the Registration and Accreditation Service:    

For the online format - links for connection will be sent to participants registered through the official website

The registration deadline is  September 20, 2021



To get access to the Forum’s venues, a badge is required. You can get your badge at the registration desks in the Forum’s venues. To get the badge, each participant has to show a passport, any ID or a power of attorney on the organization’s official letterhead in any format at the registration desk.



Applications for presentations at the plenary and its sessions are selected by the Forum’s Program Directorate. 

The presentations for the events frameworked by the Forum are selected by their moderators. 

The speakers/presenters have to submit the information on the topic of their presentation, name of the session and required technical support to the email of the Forum’s Program Directorate 


Special issues of journals indexed by Russian and international citation databases will be published following the Forum. Additional information will be available at



To work at the Forum, all mass media must obtain accreditation. Registration and accreditation service:  //AA0CB767-3422-49E2-BE2B-B620EE5E9BEB/">

Foreign mass media must have accreditation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 

The Rules of Accreditation and Stay of Correspondents of Foreign Mass Media on the Territory of the Russian Federation are available at the Russian MFA’s website



The state service for the registration and issuance of invitations to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens is provided by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the divisions on migration issues of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



Participants requiring visas to enter the territory of the Russian Federation, have to complete the procedures related to getting the visas on their own. If you need help with getting visas, please send an inquiry to the Forum’s Program Directorate at . After receiving the inquiry, the Directorate works on a case-to-case basis and decides on providing assistance with getting the visa.  




The Forum’s working languages are English and Russian. Depending on the number of the simultaneous events and availability of the equipment, simultaneous and consecutive translation is provided. 

On the Forum’s website you can order your paper’s or presentation’s translation from Russian into English and from English into Russian. 

ATTENTION – The service is chargeable! The charge can be asked for at the Forum’s Translation and Interpreting Service: 

Translation submission deadline: September 10, 2021



Official website:

Program Directorate:     

Technical Directorate: 

Registration and Accreditation Service: 

Translation and Interpreting Service: 

20 Jun 2024
Meeting of the international expert group of The Northern Forum on regional IT agenda was held in Khanty-Mansiysk


On June 19 in Khanty-Mansiysk within the framework of the XV International IT-Forum with BRICS and SCO Participation, the first introductory meeting of the International Expert Group of The Northern [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Jun 2024
The national Evenk holiday “Bakaldyn” takes place in Yakutsk


The Evenki national holiday “Bakaldyn” is being held in Yakutsk in the Kenkeme district.

10 Jun 2024
Meeting with the Government of Uvurkhangai aimag of Mongolia was held


On the initiative of the Governor of Uvurkhangai aimag of Mongolia, Mr. I. Dorjsuren, an online meeting was held on June 7 between the Government of Uvurkhangai aimag and the Government of Mongolia. [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Jun 2024
Executive Director Vladimir Vasiliev took part in SPIEF-2024


Vladimir Vasiliev, Executive Director of The Northern Forum, took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which took place from June 5 to 8 in St. Petersburg.

Northern Forum
05 Jun 2024
Students from Ocean University of China attended the First Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth Arctic: Science for the Future”


From May 24 to 25, Gao Fei, a graduate student of the School of Law, the Ocean University of China, and Wang Ran, a master's student of the School of International Relations and Public Administration, [ ... ]

31 May 2024
Natalia Komarova resigned her post


Natalia Komarova, Chair of The Northern Forum, is resigning as Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Northern Forum

Upcoming Events


The events list is provided as an non-parcial overview of upcoming events in and about the Arctic and the North, for the interest and benefit of all stakeholders.
The events listed and their administration are the responsibility of the individual events organisers.
All content on the events website, a link may be provided to through this events calendar, is the sole responsibility of the individual organiser.


Members of the Northern Forum

5th Northern Sustainable Development Forum

September 24-27, 2024
Yakutsk, Russia

Board of Governors
Regional Coordinators Committee (RCC)
Business Partners
Goodwill Ambassadors
Northern Youth Forum

Northern Youth Forum

The Northern Youth Forum (NYF) is a youth wing of the Northern Forum, consisting of representatives of young people from the age of 16 to 40 years.

Mission of the NYF is to strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation between young representatives of Northern regions and countries at the stage of personal and professional views’ formation.

Goal of the NYF is to promote the interests and views of young people in solving the problems facing the Northern Forum by using the potential of international youth cooperation.