

«The future of the regions directly depends on climate change. This must be taken into account when planning the socio-economic development of territories. This approach is also confirmed in the updated Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation».


Ruslan Kukharuk,

Governor, Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

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In the frames of the upcoming International Year of Indigenous Languages declared by the United Nations the Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) and the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of Sakha Republic will hold an International Scientific-Practical Conference “Languages of Indigenous Peoples of the North as an Indicator to Sustainable Development in the Arctic” June 27-29, 2019 in Yakutsk, Russia.

This International Scientific-Practical Conference is aimed to unite the efforts of researchers, civil society, practitioners, indigenous communities, and indigenous language speakers to discuss the issues and possibilities of sustainable development of indigenous peoples living in the North and Arctic. The discussion will include the issues related to learning, development and preservation of indigenous languages and cultures in the frames of the diverse approaches of folklore, literature, anthropologic, ethnographic, historic, politic, social, cultural, legislative and economic practices.

While living in the coldest part of our Planet, Indigenous peoples of the North have developed human environments with unique tangible and intangible cultures based on the exceptional ecological and humanistic relationships between humans and environment.   Circumpolar civilization is a true treasury of cultures very little known to the international society. Research and representation of the structure of the Northern model presented in the languages, historic and cultural conditions of the formation of circumpolar civilization, and contemporary specifics of the existence in the globalized world will contribute to the maintenance of the cultural heritage and the languages of Indigenous peoples, as well as influence the development of the contemporary cultural processes.

Conference themes cover diverse areas of socio-economic development of Indigenous peoples of the North and Arctic:

  • Written languages of Russia: contemporary state and functionality questions;
  • Yakut language: contemporary state and new dimensions in the research;
  • Languages of Indigenous Peoples of the North and Arctic: issues of interaction and language typology;
  • Traditional epistemologies and indigenous languages;
  • Indigenous languages in the epoch of globalization: tendencies and perspectives of development, successful and effective practices of indigenous communities in language revitalization and maintenance;
  • Literature and folklore as sources of safeguarding and enrichment of indigenous languages;
  • Ethnic history of indigenous peoples of the North and Arctic: past, present and future;
  • Current issues related to traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples as the bases of their sustainable development;
  • The role of contemporary technologies and mass media in revitalization and development of Indigenous languages.

The program of the conference includes Symposium, exhibitions and presentations of new publications and projects. As part of the Conference the participants are invited to take part in the traditional Yakut celebration “Ysyakh” (the day of meeting summer).

It is expected to publish an electronic peer reviewed collection of papers as one of the results of the Conference upon the selection of the articles made by the organizing committee. Criteria for the article format will be defined in a second information letter.

This conference invites philologists, historians, anthropologists, ethnographers, cultural scientists, philosophers, sociologists, policy scientists, economists, teachers, language speakers and leaders of the indigenous organizations, and graduate students.

Conference working languages: Russian, English.

Conference applications are accepted until March 1, 2019 via E-mail: . fax: (4112) 35-49-96, 36-01-97. In the e-mail subject please put “Conference”. The application should include:

  • name of the participant,
  • title of the paper,
  • organization/place of work
  • position
  • academic title
  • contact phone number  
  • contact e-mail

Financial support: accommodation and travel expenses are not provided. There is no registration and publication fee.


11 Mar 2025
Winners of the 23rd Spirit of Fire Film Festival were awarded in Khanty-Mansiysk


On March 9, the closing ceremony of the XXIII International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" was held at the concert and theater center "Yugra-Classic" in Khanty-Mansiysk.

10 Mar 2025
Meeting took place at Ugra State University


As part of his working visit to Khanty-Mansiysk, Executive Director Vladimir Vasilev attended a meeting at Ugra State University.

Northern Forum
10 Mar 2025
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra appointed new regional coordinator to the Northern Forum



Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the External Relations Department Inna Arkanova was appointed as Regional Coordinator of the Northern Forum for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Mar 2025
Ruslan Kukharuk meets Vladimir Vasilev


On 9 March, Ruslan Kukharuk, Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, met with Vladimir Vasilev, Executive Director of the Northern Forum.

Northern Forum
05 Mar 2025
The cultural and ecological project «Friendship - Municipal Classical Gymnasium №8 and KISC»


News from a member of the Northern Forum Schools Association: On March 4, within the framework of the internationa cultural and ecological project «Friendship - Municipal Classical Gymnasium [ ... ]

02 Mar 2025
13 days remaining until the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference «The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development»


The event will be held on 13 and 14 March at the Rossiya Segodnya International Multimedia Press Centre and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


Upcoming Events


The events list is provided as an non-parcial overview of upcoming events in and about the Arctic and the North, for the interest and benefit of all stakeholders.
The events listed and their administration are the responsibility of the individual events organisers.
All content on the events website, a link may be provided to through this events calendar, is the sole responsibility of the individual organiser.


Members of the Northern Forum

6th Northern Sustainable Development Forum

II half of 2025
Yakutsk, Russia

Board of Governors
Regional Coordinators Committee (RCC)
Business Partners
Goodwill Ambassadors
Northern Youth Forum

Northern Youth Forum

The Northern Youth Forum (NYF) is a youth wing of the Northern Forum, consisting of representatives of young people from the age of 16 to 40 years.

Mission of the NYF is to strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation between young representatives of Northern regions and countries at the stage of personal and professional views’ formation.

Goal of the NYF is to promote the interests and views of young people in solving the problems facing the Northern Forum by using the potential of international youth cooperation.