Indigenous Tent in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russia

SM Nikolaev


«We must do everything for people to like living in their cities. [...] If we don’t listen to people, they will move to where the authorities do listen to them».


Aisen Nikolaev,

Head, Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

 01The next PAME Working Group Meeting (PAME I-2019) will be held from 4-7 February 2019 at the facilities of Hotel Scandic Triangeln in Malmo, Sweden (address: Triangeln 2 and website:

Monday the 4th of February has been set aside for pre-meetings of the PAME expert groups and the PAME I-2019 plenary will take place from 5-7 February.

Leads on respective activities are requested to prepare for this meeting in accordance with the PAME Work Plan 2017-2019 and Records of Decisions from the PAME II-2018 meeting. PAME delegations are invited to include IMO, EA, MPA, Resource Exploration and Development, Marine Litter and other experts in their delegations to the PAME I-2019 meeting.

Documents requiring decisions from this meeting should be distributed 30 days in advance, or by 7th of January 2019 in accordance with the Arctic Council’s Working Groups Common Operating Guidelines.

The aim of this Meeting is to reach agreement on the following Ministerial deliverables:

  1. Deliverables to the Ministerial meeting May 2017:

The following list is based on the PAME II-2018 RoD, Annex 2

Framework for a Pan-Arctic Network of MPAs:

  • MPA Workshop reports for 3rd and 4th workshops for PAME I-2019 (USA, Finland, Sweden, MPA-EG)
  • Toolbox expansion based on 4th workshop on indigenous and local engagement in marine protected areas (Canada)

Arctic Marine Shipping:

  • Arctic Shipping Best Practice Information Forum (Finland/Canada/USA/PAME Secretariat): Report and web-portal.
  • Report on the environmental, economic, technical and practical aspects of the use by ships in the Arctic of alternative fuels (Norway/WWF)
  • Underwater Noise in the Arctic: A State of knowledge report (Canada/WWF)
  • Report on the Safe and Low Impact Shipping Corridors (Canada/Iceland/AIA/WWF)
  • Arctic Ship Traffic Data Project (USA): Report and Database.
  • Regional Reception Facilities Plan (RRFP) – Outline and Planning Guide for the Arctic, Joint submission to IMO.

Arctic Offshore Resource Exploration and Development (REDEG):

  • MEMA Part II Executive Summary for Policy Makers (possibly as a standalone document) (Canada/USA)
  • MEMA Part II Findings for Policy Makers (full report) (Canada/USA)
  • MEMA Database

Ecosystem Approach to Management (EA):

  • Guidelines for Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Management of Arctic Marine Ecosystems (Norway/USA/EA-EG)
  • ICES/PICES/PAME Working Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Central Arctic Ocean (WGICA) Report “Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Central Arctic Ocean: Ecosystem Description and Vulnerability Characterization”
  • Progress report on the EA-EG 2017-2019 Workplan

Marine Litter:

  • Desktop study on Marine Litter, including microplastics in the Arctic (Phase I) (Iceland/Norway/Sweden/AIA/OSPAR)
  • Communication and outreach products


  • 2nd reporting on progress/implementation of the 2015-2025 Arctic Marine Strategic Plan (AMSP).
  • PAME Summary Report of 2017-2019 Activities.
  • 2019-2021 PAME Work Plan.
  1. Agree to the final draft content of the PAME report to SAOs/Ministers, including a suggested draft text for SAOs recommendation to Ministers, if applicable.

PAME I-2019 Main Agenda Items 

Item 1: Opening of the Meeting

Item 2: Introduction and Adoption of the Agenda

Item 3: Information from the Chair and the Secretariat

Item 4: Pan-Arctic Network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Item 5: Protection from Invasive Species

Item 6: Arctic Marine Shipping activities (various leads)

Item 7: Arctic Offshore Resource Exploration and Development

Item 8: Ecosystem-based Approach to Management

Item 9: Desktop Study on Marine Litter including Microplastics in the Arctic

Item 10: Preparations for the 2017 Ministerial Meeting:

  • 11.1 2019-2021 PAME Work Plan
  • 11.2 2019 Ministerial submissions – SAO Report to Ministers
  • 11.3 Arctic Marine Strategic Plan (AMSP) Implementation Progress Report 2017-2019

Item 11: Summary of Meeting Decisions and Follow up Actions (Chair & Secretariat)

Item 12: Any other business and closing of the Meeting

End of PAME I-2019 Meeting at 17:00


PAME I-2019: pre-meetings

4 February 2019

The pre-meetings will take place at the facilities of at the facilities of Hotel Scandic Triangeln.

Following is a list of the times of the pre-meetings:


Breakout room: X (ca. 30-35 persons)

Breakout room: X (ca. 20-25 persons)

10:00/10:00-17:00 (whole day)

Shipping Experts Group (SEG)

The agenda to be provided


Resource Exploration and

Development Expert Group (REDEG)

The agenda will be the items under

Agenda Item 7.



Ecosystem Approach Expert Group

The agenda will be the items under

Agenda Item 8.



MPA Expert Group

The agenda will be the items under

Agenda Item 4.



Marine Litter Expert Group

The agenda will be the items under

Agenda Item 9.


PAME I-2019 Meeting Logistics

Meeting venue: The PAME I-2019 Meeting will be held at the Hotel Scandic Triangeln. The address is: Triangeln 2, 211 43 Malmц, Sweden.

PAME I-2019 registration: Please register on-line here: PAME I-2019 registration. Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you by email. If you run into any problems, please contact the PAME Secretariat at:

Accommodation: Block booking has been made at Hotel Scandic Triangeln. You can book your room online on their website: and use the following booing code:

BHAV030219. Booking can also be done by phone: +46406934700 or by email to:

and reference the above mentioned booking code. The cost per night is 1.225 SEK for single room and 1.325 SEK for double room. The discounted price is available until the 3rd of January 2019.

Travel: The closest airport is Copenhagen International Airport, a 20min train ride from the hotel.

The easiest travel is to take the train “Цresundstag” from the airport to Malmц and stop at ’Triangeln Station”. The trains leave frequently, and the hotel is about 5 min walk from the “Triangeln Station.

Attached is a map with directions and here are further information on travel from the airport:


Direction from Copenhagen Airport to Triangeln train station:



PAME International Secretariat-Borgir-600 Akureyri-Iceland-Tel: +354 461 1355/+354 863 8576-email:

11 Mar 2025
Winners of the 23rd Spirit of Fire Film Festival were awarded in Khanty-Mansiysk


On March 9, the closing ceremony of the XXIII International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" was held at the concert and theater center "Yugra-Classic" in Khanty-Mansiysk.

10 Mar 2025
Meeting took place at Ugra State University


As part of his working visit to Khanty-Mansiysk, Executive Director Vladimir Vasilev attended a meeting at Ugra State University.

Northern Forum
10 Mar 2025
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra appointed new regional coordinator to the Northern Forum



Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the External Relations Department Inna Arkanova was appointed as Regional Coordinator of the Northern Forum for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug [ ... ]

Northern Forum
10 Mar 2025
Ruslan Kukharuk meets Vladimir Vasilev


On 9 March, Ruslan Kukharuk, Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, met with Vladimir Vasilev, Executive Director of the Northern Forum.

Northern Forum
05 Mar 2025
The cultural and ecological project «Friendship - Municipal Classical Gymnasium №8 and KISC»


News from a member of the Northern Forum Schools Association: On March 4, within the framework of the internationa cultural and ecological project «Friendship - Municipal Classical Gymnasium [ ... ]

02 Mar 2025
13 days remaining until the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference «The Far East and the Arctic: Sustainable Development»


The event will be held on 13 and 14 March at the Rossiya Segodnya International Multimedia Press Centre and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.


Upcoming Events


The events list is provided as an non-parcial overview of upcoming events in and about the Arctic and the North, for the interest and benefit of all stakeholders.
The events listed and their administration are the responsibility of the individual events organisers.
All content on the events website, a link may be provided to through this events calendar, is the sole responsibility of the individual organiser.


Members of the Northern Forum

6th Northern Sustainable Development Forum

II half of 2025
Yakutsk, Russia

Board of Governors
Regional Coordinators Committee (RCC)
Business Partners
Goodwill Ambassadors
Northern Youth Forum

Northern Youth Forum

The Northern Youth Forum (NYF) is a youth wing of the Northern Forum, consisting of representatives of young people from the age of 16 to 40 years.

Mission of the NYF is to strengthen the spirit of trust and cooperation between young representatives of Northern regions and countries at the stage of personal and professional views’ formation.

Goal of the NYF is to promote the interests and views of young people in solving the problems facing the Northern Forum by using the potential of international youth cooperation.